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Jaci Carroll Staffing Services is pleased to announce that we have signed an agreement with Essential StaffCare (ESC) to provide a health benefit plan that is designed specifically for employees of the staffing industry.


ESC is the fastest growing health insurance and benefits package for temporary employees with over 400,000 temporary employees enrolling each year. ESC is underwritten by BCS. BCS is majority owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans and is administered by Planned Administrators (PAI), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC. PAI provides quality plan administration and expertise in administering health care plans with a dedicated ESC team of professionals. The ESC plan provides you with higher overall benefits at a lower weekly cost.


Behind every health plan at ESC is a team of customer service representatives and claims processors. During normal business hours, you are always able to reach a customer service representative who can help you with your questions regarding your plan or benefits. ESC consistently exceeds industry performance standards and has an ongoing commitment to high quality personal service.


All new hires of Jaci Carroll Staffing will have a 30 day Open Enrollment period beginning on their first paycheck date. The MEC plan will be payable via direct payment and information will be sent to you once you have enrolled. The Essential StaffCARE Enrollment Form is included in your new hire materials and must be completed by electing Yes or No to benefits. Details of the plan and cost of premiums are available on the Enrollment Form.





Jaci Carroll Staffing Services is pleased to announce that we have signed an agreement with Essential StaffCare MEC to provide a health benefit plan that is designed specifically for employees of the staffing industry.


The Essential StaffCARE MEC Wellness and Preventive Benefit is an ACA compliant insurance product designed to give employees an affordable way to satisfy their individual mandate. Employees that enroll in the MEC Wellness and Preventive plan will have 63 essential prevention and wellness services covered at 100%. No deductibles, co-pays, or co-insurance.


For a complete list of the services please visit:

Prevention and Wellness Service List

Essential StaffCare MEC Enrollment Form

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